Childhood obesity

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A sedentary lifestyle, video games and electronic devices, as well as junk food and sweets spread the obesity pandemic, which is ravaging global health, to children. Some simple measures, such as playing games that involve physical activity and leading by example, could help us keep our children from being overweight.  

Andrea Marqués, nutritionist at the European Medical Institute for Obesity (IMEO), explains how.

• Participation at the table. A good start is to create responsibility in the child for what she/he eats. The little one will love being a part of the list he makes to prepare the menu of the week.

• Balanced breakfast. Prioritize slow-absorbing foods, such as apple, fig, peach or plum, dairy, legumes and vegetables, eggs, fatty meats, and nuts. This is key to keeping him active at school.

• Always active. Walking the dog, helping with shopping, playing in the park or riding a bicycle are activities that gain sedentary lifestyle, but these must be complemented by sports discipline; Take advantage of the respective football and baseball seasons to encourage them to play frequently, and under your supervision or that of an adult.

• Permanent hydration. To complete the virtuous circle, it is key to keep the child hydrated, as well as getting them to sleep between 9 and 10 hours a day for cell repair.

• Food is not a judge. Never use food as a reward or punishment, because the child could associate sweets as good foods and fruits or vegetables as bad foods.


Nutritionist Andrea suggests the following menu for infants:

Five meals a day. Distributed in the main three (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 2 secondary (mid-morning and snack).

Five daily servings of fruits and vegetables, including vegetables

Four daily servings of carbohydrates. Cereals, bread, pasta, rice, legumes or potatoes, taken at all meals except dinner.

Three daily servings of protein and dairy. Fish, eggs, meats and dairy, rich in calcium and vitamin D that participate in the formation of bone structures during growth.

Two daily servings of healthy fats. Nuts and olive oil.

A weekly ration. The consumption of pastries, sweets, soft drinks and chips (snacks), should be limited to one to two servings per week, due to its addictive power and high doses of sugar.

THE MEMORY OF THE PALATE “From 2 to 12 years old, children learn the eating habits that will influence them, consciously and unconsciously, the rest of their lives, establishing complex neural bridges that will make them deepen their tastes towards one or the other. foods that, from adolescence, will be more difficult to change ”.

Apples and Oranges: Nutritionists Compare Diets of Putin, Trump, Merkel and Spain’s Sanchez


The eating habits of world leaders have long been a matter of public interest, with observers questioning whether KFC and diet Coke, or perhaps something more balanced, could have an impact on politicians’ ability to deal with the physical and psychological stresses of their office.

Nutritionists from the European Medical Institute of Obesity (IMEO) in Madrid have carried out a study of the publicly-known details on the diets and exercise routines of world leaders including Russian President Vladimir Putin, US President Donald Trump, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, with the politicians’ lifestyles offering some ‘do’ and ‘do not do’ tips for the rest of us, El Confidencial has reported.

In Putin’s case, the newspaper notes, the 67-year-old Russian president remains “in enviable physical form…thanks to regular intense physical exercise and a well-maintained diet.”

“Whenever his schedule allows, Vladimir Putin starts the day with swimming, a moment he uses for reflection. Then, he carries out strength and endurance training in his gym.” Based on publicly available information, the paper points to a standard presidential diet including lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, grains and eggs, with his culinary preferences said to include “soup of salmon or cod, beef with rice, roasted lamb, fish and red caviar.”

Crucially, El Confidencial notes, Putin avoids highly processed foods and alcohol, and if a toast is in order, he is said to prefer wine or beer. Turkish coffee, green and herbal teas are his hot drinks of choice, with the president said to prefer a light dinner that sometimes includes kefir – a fermented milk drink similar to a thin yogurt that’s very popular in Eastern Europe.

“Given his past as a secret service agent, Putin dominates in several martial arts,” the newspaper continues. “He has an eighth-degree black belt in judo and karate, and a ninth degree black belt in taekwondo. Sports he practices in winter include skiing and hockey.”

President Putin and former Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev enjoy a meal during a visit to Novogorod region, 2016.

© SPUTNIK / АЛЕКСЕЙ ДРУЖИНИНPresident Putin and former Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev enjoy a meal during a visit to Novogorod region, 2016.

According to IMEO nutritional expert Andrea Marques, Putin’s diet and lifestyle are optimal for his age and physical state, and include a healthy, varied and balanced diet, a high protein breakfast and plenty of fruits and vegetables as a source of vitamins and minerals, nuts for unsaturated fats, as well as lean meats and fish rich in Omega 3.  Marques notes that the lack of distilled alcohol means no empty calories.

President Donald Trump’s diet, by contrast, isn’t so great, El Confidencial notes, with the 73-year-old US president suffering from high cholesterol and a BMI of 30.4, which corresponds with mild obesity.

The newspaper suggests that Trump’s ardent public support of fast food is “controversial,” given that as many as 37 percent of Americans suffer from obesity, and that processed, calorie rich diets are linked to coronary and respiratory diseases, cancers, diabetes kidney problems, and other serious health issues.

Citing information about Trump’s diet which has been made available to US media, El Confidencial lists hamburgers, McDonald’s Egg McMuffins, chicken wings, fries, pizza, soft drinks and pastries as some of the mainstays of Trump’s diet. At the same time, the newspaper points out that Trump has given up virtually all of the sports of his youth, including baseball and football, apart from golf.

President Donald Trump welcomes the 2018 NCAA FCS College Football Champions, The North Dakota State Bison, to the State Dining room of the White House in Washington, Monday, March 4, 2019, with McDonald's and Chick-fil-A fast food.

CAROLYN KASTERPresident Donald Trump welcomes the 2018 NCAA FCS College Football Champions, The North Dakota State Bison, to the State Dining room of the White House in Washington, Monday, March 4, 2019, with McDonald’s and Chick-fil-A fast food.

IMEO clinical nutritionist Carmen Escalada notes that “a large percentage of the calories consumed by the US president are empty calories, in other words, they do not provide any useful nutrients.”

Furthermore, while Trump’s lack of alcohol consumption is to his credit, his consumption of as many as 12 cans of diet cola and chocolate milkshakes is a problem. “The high intake of these types of drinks keeps us from drinking water, which is what our body really needs to function properly, and can lead to problems falling asleep, digestive issues or bone decalcification,” Escalada warns.

Turning to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the newspaper points out that the 65-year-old chancellor is known for jealously guarding the details of her private life, including her culinary preferences and exercise regimen. Nevertheless, publicly available information can give some hints regarding her diet.

Although she is known to enjoy the occasional hike or cross-country skiing outing, Merkel is not believed to stick to a regular exercise regimen. At the same time, she enjoys traditional high-calorie German foods including sausages and mashed potatoes, cheese fondue and beer, although her dinners are thought to be rich in veggies.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel holds a glass of beer as she attends an election campaign event of the Christian Social Union (CSU), Bavarian sister party of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU), in a beer tent at the Truderinger Festwoche fair in Munich, southern Germany, on May 28, 2017.

© AFP 2020 / SVEN HOPPE / DPAGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel holds a glass of beer as she attends an election campaign event of the Christian Social Union (CSU), Bavarian sister party of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU), in a beer tent at the Truderinger Festwoche fair in Munich, southern Germany, on May 28, 2017.

On the whole, Andrea Marques suggests that it’s more difficult for Merkel to keep in shape than her male colleagues, since she is at an age where a typical woman’s metabolism’s muscle mass creating and fat burning capabilities decline due to hormonal changes associated with menopause and a drop in estrogen.

Finally, when it comes to President Pedro Sanchez of Spain, El Confidencial touts him as being “in very good shape at 48,” given his love for basketball and efforts to keep up a three-times-a-week exercise routine, which includes alternating between running, biking and weightlifting.

Sanchez’ adherence to a balanced Mediterranean diet including greens, salads, meats and grilled fish, as well as a hearty breakfast and plenty of water, and sparkling or red wine as opposed to harder liquors, is another credit in his favour.

“The fact that he limits his coffee intake to two cups a day, insists on eating little processed food and committing to sport at least three times a week is an advantage in favour of a good night’s rest,” IMEO nutritionist Ruben Bravo explained.

“For all these reasons, it’s not surprising that the Spanish president is an outspoken advocate of healthy, quality and local food. In fact, one of the main challenges for Spain’s legislature is to reduce the impact of junk food among the population through clear labeling requirements and threats to increase taxes on ultraprocessed foods and those with excess fats and sugars,” El Confidencial concludes.

Por qué las mujeres viven más tiempo y con mejor salud que los hombres

Ellas juegan con ventaja. De media, suelen vivir cinco años más que los hombres, una esperanza de vida que crece con los años. ¿Qué razones hay detrás de este hecho?

El Confidencial , por E. Zamorano

En España, la esperanza de vida en 2017 fue de 83,1 años, según el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE). La población cada vez vive más. Respecto a hace diez años, la esperanza de vida ha aumentado en tres años. Pero lo más curioso sigue siendo la diferencia entre sexos.Mientras que el año pasado las mujeres vivieron una media de 85,7 años, los hombres solo 80,39. Los datos no engañan: ellas viven más. Parece que siempre ha sido así y la diferencia está en torno a cuatro o cinco años. ¿Qué razones hay detrás de este hecho?

A pesar de la repercusión de las teorías feministas y los avances en igualdad, las mujeres siguen teniéndolo más difícil en términos laborales que económicos, pero en lo que respecta a la salud, llevan toda la ventaja. «Los hombres tienen desventajas biológicas y sociológicas desde el momento en que son concebidos hasta que se mueren»explica la doctora Mariane Legato, profesora emérita de la Universidad de Columbia, en ‘Health’. Existen algunas teorías para explicar este hecho tan curioso, desde el estilo de vida y los cromosomas hasta el temperamento. Aquí van algunas de ellas.

Estilo de vida y cromosomas

Tabaco, alcohol y obesidad. Estos factores pueden arrojar un poco de luz al caso. Por ejemplo, los hombres rusos viven de media 13 años menos que las mujeres, en parte porque beben y fuman mucho más que ellas. Pero no tan rápido; esta idea se contradice por el hecho de que los chimpancés, gorilas y orangutanes hembra vivan mucho más que los machos de su grupo, y ellos no tienen acceso a tales vicios. «Los factores sociales y el estilo de vida afectan, por supuesto, pero parece que hay algo mucho más profundo insertado en nuestra biología», explica Tom Kirkwood, investigador de las bases biológicas del envejecimiento en la Universidad de Newcastle, en la ‘BBC’.

El lóbulo frontal, desarrollado de forma más lenta en hombres que en mujeres, hace que ellos tengan mayor propensión al enfrentamiento

Hay muchos mecanismos potenciales, como los cromosomas, los cuales vienen en pareja. Mientras las mujeres tienen dos cromosomas X, los hombres tienen uno X y otro Y. La diferencia puede alterar sutilmente la forma en la que envejecen las células. Teniendo dos cromosomas X, las mujeres tienen el doble de copias de cada gen, lo que implica que tienen uno de sobra si el otro resulta defectuoso. Por contra, los hombres no cuentan con este mecanismo extra. El resultado es que con el tiempo más células pueden empezar a funcionar mal,poniendo a los hombres en un mayor riesgo de contraer enfermedades.

Ellas son menos temerarias

Según datos del Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, en 2010 la principal causa de discapacidad entre los hombres españoles fueron las caídas, y la octava, los accidentes de tráfico. Entre las mujeres, las caídas bajan a la novena posición y los accidentes de tráfico a la decimoctava.

Legato asegura que esto tiene una explicación biológica: el lóbulo frontal del cerebro, que se encarga entre otras cosas de calcular los riesgos de una u otra acción, se desarrolla de forma mucho más lenta en los hombres que en las mujeres. Esto hace que los hombres tengan una mayor propensión al enfrentamiento de forma voluntaria y en situaciones peligrosas. «De forma casi inevitable, un hombre llevaría a cabo acciones más arriesgadas que una mujer de su misma edad no haría», concluye Lageto.

Las enfermedades cardiovasculares

Desgraciadamente, los infartos son mucho más frecuentes en mujeres que en hombresun 7,7% más, según los últimos datos recogidos por el INE. Recientemente, el Instituto del Corazón de Ottawa publicó una investigación que tomó los datos de 90.000 pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca entre 2009 y 2014. Los autores descubrieron que el 16,8% de las mujeres murió un año después de su diagnóstico, frente al 14,9% de los hombres.

El estrógeno es un antioxidante que limpia los químicos venenosos dentro de las células

Según otro informe de Harvard, las enfermedades cardíacas han matado a más mujeres que hombres en todo el mundo desde 1984. De media, las mujeres desarrollan problemas cardiovasculares diez años más tarde que los hombres, por lo que a pesar de morir más por esta causa que los varones, ellas reciben un diagnóstico más tardío. Legato ofrece una explicación biológica: gozan de una mayor protección frente a los problemas de corazón hasta la menopausia, ya que sus cuerpos producen grandes cantidades de estrógenos, una hormona que ayuda a mantener las arterias fuertes y flexibles.

El ciclo menstrual y la estatura

Otra de las explicaciones que ofrece la ciencia es que el ritmo cardíaco de una mujer aumenta durante la segunda mitad del ciclo menstrual, por lo que genera los mismos beneficios que realizar ejercicio frecuente y moderado. ¿El resultado? Se retrasa el riesgo de padecer una enfermedad cardiovascular.

Por otro lado, la gente más alta posee muchas más células en su cuerpo que la que es más baja, lo que implica que corren más riesgo de desarrollar mutaciones peligrosas. Los cuerpos más grandes también queman mucha más energía, lo que puede perjudicar mucho más sus tejidos. Dado que los hombres tienden a ser más altos que las mujeres, ellas tendrían que enfrentarse a un daño mayor a largo plazo.

Los estrógenos

Estas hormonas son como «un elixir de la juventud» que ayuda al cuerpo a recuperarse de los estragos físicos. El estrógeno es un antioxidante que limpia los restos de químicos venenosos de las células. En experimentos con animales, las hembras que no los tienen tienden a vivir menos que las que no han sido operadas. «Durante el apareamiento, las mujeres tienen más probabilidades de elegir a los machos alfa, rebosantes de testosterona. Pero una vez nacen las crías, los hombres son más prescindibles», asegura Kirkwood, en la ‘BBC’.

La dieta de Pippa Middleton


middleton_librorecetas_-tApasionada del deporte y de la cocina sana, la hermana de la Duquesa de Cambridge acaba de publicar un libro de recetas ‘amigas’ de la salud y de la línea. Te enseñamos a preparar uno de los platos que figuran en este recetario, nacido como resultado de la colaboración entre Pippa Middleton y la ‘Fundación Británica del Corazón’.
Si hay un tipo de cocina del que Pippa es defensora (y asidua ‘practicante’), es la denominada ‘healthy food’, o lo que es lo mismo, un alimentación basada en productos y recetas saludables, como las que se incluyen en las páginas de su recién publicado libro ‘Heartfelt’.
libro_portada_-zNacido de su colaboración con la ‘Fundación Británica del Corazón’ (entidad de la que Middleton es embajadora), este recetario agrupa un centenar de platos perfectos para ayudarnos a estar en forma, gozar de buena salud, y por qué no, disfrutar en la mesa. Y es que, como la propia Middleton asegura, ‘La comida saludable no sólo es buena para ti y tu organismo, sino que preparándola puedes pasar además un rato muy divertido y disfrutar de recetas deliciosas’.
A continuación os mostramos, a modo de ejemplo, uno de esos platos que podemos encontrar en las páginas de ‘Heartfelt’, a la venta en la propia web de la ‘Fundación Británica del Corazón’ (todos los ingresos que se recauden irán destinados a las labores de investigación relacionadas con la salud cardiovascular que desarrolla esta organización).
Se trata de una receta a base de pollo y verduras, perfecta para una comida o cena ligera, y que además, nos ayuda a cumplir la norma nutricional que nos insta a comer cinco raciones de fruta y verdura al día.



-Una cucharadita de aceite de oliva
-500 gr de pechuga de pollo sin piel
-400 gramos de puerros cortados en rodajas finas
-400 gramos de alubias blancas escurridas y enjuagadas
-4 ramitos de tomillo fresco
-1 hoja fresca de laurel
-300 ml de caldo casero de pollo
-Un manojo de perejil fresco, picado no excesivamente fino


1. Calienta el aceite en una sartén o cazuela antiadherente y cocina la pechuga a fuego fuerte hasta que se doren ambos lados. Retira de la sartén, colócala sobre papel de cocina (para retirar el exceso de grasa) y reserva.

2. Añade los puerros a la sartén y cocina a fuego bajo durante 3 ó 4 minutos hasta que se ablanden (pero no se doren). Añade las alubias, el tomillo, el laurel y el caldo de pollo, cubriendo y dejando hervir a fuego lento durante unos 4 minutos.

3. Coloca el pollo sobre las alubias, cubre la sartén y deja cocinar a fuego bajo durante unos 15 o 20 minutos hasta que el pollo esté cocinado.

4. Esparce el perejil y sirve con cebada perlada (el grano del cereal que ha sido descascarillado y pulido), flores de brócoli al vapor y algunos espárragos o acelgas hervidas.

También puedes servirlo con unas rebanadas de pan integral, sobre el que previamente hemos frotado medio diente de ajo y añadido al final un poquito de aceite de oliva.


Queen Letizia’s diet ‘one of the healthiest’, say nutritionists

News Gnom
La Reina Letizia, foto Gtres, La RazónDESPITE ongoing media attention about Queen Letizia’s slender frame and speculations about eating disorders, nutritionists say the diet followed by King Felipe’s wife is one of the healthiest on record.

The former TV reporter, who became Queen in July when her husband was crowned Felipe VI, has suffered criticism in glossy magazines for being very slim and unfounded claims about anorexia – despite other women in her family having a very similar frame, showing her slight build is likely to be genetic.

But Dr Rubén Bravo of the European Medical Institute for Obesity (IMEO) says he and his team of 30 experts have studied over 150 so-called ‘miracle weight-loss’ diets and conclude that the Queen’s régime is highly nutritious.

The Perricone Diet ‘puts healthy eating ahead of weight loss as a priority’, Dr Bravo explains.

There may be a thousand and one ways of losing weight, but the end does not always justify the means, because you need to think about what’s good for your health long-term and not fall into a vicious circle of rebound weight gain, metabolism disorders and other risks that counteract the effectiveness of different slimming plans,” says the nutritionist.

He and other specialists at the IMEO have found just five diets which work well, with the Perricone régime at the top of the list.

The healthiest slimming plans are those which aim for a moderate weight loss of no more than 1lb to 2lb, or half a kilo to a kilo a week, which are easy to stick to long-term and do not lead to rebound weight gain, Dr Bravo explains.

These diets include practically every food group, but with reduced quantities, and help to re-educate those who follow them by teaching them how to eat properly and lead a healthy lifestyle.

The Perricone diet includes all food groups, but reduces some and increases others depending upon the individualin order to prevent inflammation and oxidation of cells, which helps slow down the process of wrinkles forming and keeps infections at bay.

A good diet, in my view, centres much more on being healthy than on how many kilos you can lose in how many days,” insists Dr Bravo.

In principle, with a good diet plan, you can eat the majority of foods, but the Perricone diet places priority on certain ones that you should eat every day – such as fresh salmon, forest fruits, green vegetables, porridge and extra-virgin olive oil – meaning its benefits also show up in the skin, in a feeling of general vitality, and in slowing down the outward signs of ageing.”

Other diets recommended by the IMEO, which in principle do not sound very healthy, include the ‘ceviche plan’ which is followed by Princess Catherine, or Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge.

This involves eating practically everything raw – salad, fruit, gazpacho, almond milk, goji berries and ‘lots of’ raw fish, although the latter should be handled with great care and fruit and vegetables should be washed thoroughly, Dr Bravo says.

A slightly extreme-sounding diet which is said to be healthy for short-term weight loss is the ‘2.3.2 plan’, according to the IMEO.

It allows the person following it to lose between 4.5 and six kilos (10lb to a stone) in three weeks, depending upon constitution, gender and level of physical activity.

Two days of healthy eating adapted to the body’s ‘biorhythm’ – a large breakfast containing mostly carbohydrates, a medium-sized lunch containing vegetables and protein, and supper of a low-fat soup and a fat-free yoghurt – are followed by three days of ‘detox’, eating the minimum calorie intake required, said to be 800 calories, made up of ‘purifying’ vegetables, vitamin-rich fruit, easily-digestible proteins, dark chocolate, fat-free dairy produce and even red wine.

The final two days involve ‘normal’ eating, and are normally on a weekend, with beans and pulses, pasta, rice and potatoes included, as well as a home-made dessert, but always in smaller-than-usual portions.

Two others are the ‘Bioprotein Diet’ and the ‘Dissociated Diet’ – the first being recommended for women going through the menopause where a high level of vegetable and fruit consumption does not always translate to weight loss, and the second being ‘food combining’, or not mixing consumption of protein, fat and carbohydrates, and leaving at least four hours between each meal.

Otherwise, the best dietary advice nutritionists tend to give is to eat five varied portions of fruit and vegetables, six of complex carbohydrates – ideally high-fibre, wholemeal or wholegrain varieties – between half and one litre of milk a day, one portion of lean protein and two litres of water, and to take 15 to 30 minutes of light exercise, such as walking, every day.

Cutting out entire food groups is not recommended and protein-only diets are generally frowned upon by nutritionists.

In general, they recommend eating a balanced diet, but reducing the portions when trying to lose weight and never to aim for more than 2lb, or a kilo, a week at the very most.



The crisis fattening


woman eatingThe anxiety about unemployment and consumption of cheaper, less nutritious, it shows in the balance of women. And so we find, distressed by the socio-economic situation of our family, the country, and angry because that pants last season and outgrown us, for obvious reasons, we have no margin to renew all the costumes.

Is that women get fat with the crisis. The information comes from an analysis by experts of the European Medical Institute of Obesity (IMEO) towards the last World Obesity Day. The latest statistics place women in the focus of this XXI century epidemic and the report «XXLW Generation,» published recently by the IPSOS-company specializing in identifying the behaviors, attitudes and opinions of society, realizes that effectively socioeconomic imbalances by passing through many countries, cases of obesity are skyrocketing.

They say that women are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety, and these situations of crisis, loss of jobs and resources affect a large percentage of your eating. Hormones such as estrogen, endogenous opioids, the youth hormone, the sulfatodehidro-epiandroestendiona, progesterone and testosterone, among others, form a cocktail that influences the way they behave, to feel sadness or joy and face food , and makes them more susceptible to emotional eaters than men.

In the case of serotonin, known as the «happiness hormone», it has been observed that women produce 52 percent less in their brains than men. And if this also reduces neurotransmitter decisive mood, increases feelings of sadness and discouragement.

Ever happened in a fit of sadness felt ice cream or chocolate were able to change their lives? The reason: sweet foods increase serotonin levels causing a momentary anxiolytic and antidepressant effect.

Therefore, dealing with crises living in different scales, European, Latin American and even the United States, it is best to get moving and not just to find alternative livelihoods. With exercise, improves lung function, reduces bad cholesterol and body fat, lower anxiety levels and increases the feeling of well-being with the segregation of endorphin.

Have you gained weight in the middle of an economic crisis? What attribute it?

Obsessed with healthy eating is also a disorder

EUROPA PRESS / Beauty / Health

  orthorexia is called, affecting 28% of the population of Western countries.
  consists of a comprehensive and strict control of components food.
  is a progressive silent disease that leads to social isolation.

Orthorexia is a” kind of obsessive, “which takes to extremes the idea of healthy eating that is a comprehensive control and increasingly strict food components. According to World Health Organization (WHO) affects orthorexia 28 percent of the population of Western countries and could be on the increase. Although the consequences of orthorexia depend on its severity, according to Ruben Bravo, a nutritionist and naturopath of the Medical Institute European of Obesity (IMEO), one of its features is that it is a disease, “progressive and silent, which makes the daily life of the subject is increasingly limited. So orthorexia can begin to limit much food , avoiding the consumption of red meat, eggs, sugar, dairy and fats, can impede the subject eating out and to bring him to spend 3 or more hours a day to organize your diet.
Normally, explains nutritionist IMEO, orthorexia leads to “social isolation” , since the individual “overwhelmed” if you have to attend a meal with friends or a business meal, so it tends to limit his company “to a small social circle of people who feel the same way.”

According to this expert, “these people think they are superior to those that do not follow this way of life”, so their approach is very “complex” because they often present a “false self” based on this idea of superiority and full conviction that his life is “better” than the rest. Regard to their psychological, Bravo says they are people who are “more concerned about the quality of food for the pleasure of eating. ”Therefore, spend much of their time (3 or more hours a day) to organize the diet and planned well in advance, move long distances to get special food or purely ecological, weighed, analyze its components and leave their daily activities to carry out its pathological way of life.

A patient who had chewed many times

Sat “I attended For a patient who controlled the time chewing each morsel of food 28 times because I had read in a magazine that was healthy, “says naturopath Medical Institute European of Obesity. All these rituals have a number of health consequences. In the psychological realm Bravo explains that often have “high levels of dopamine and low serotonin levels. This makes them an excess of euphoria combined with high anxiety levels.”  And in the physical aspect of health may occur showing an excess or deficiency of vitamins . Also, many of these patients show deficits in their body mass, hypertension and cardiovascular problems. Orthorexia affects mainly women and adolescents . It also has an impact on the population group of athletes, especially in people who practice bodybuilding.

The Dangers of Weight Loss Camps

Fuente: Green Tea Weight Loss

In recent years methods have become popular for weight loss drastic at all costs, such as camps, hotels and accommodation that aims to lower many kilos in a short period of time. These methods have no medical backing and are unsustainable in the long term and jeopardize the health of its participants.

This is just one of the warnings thrown by the European Medical experts from the Institute of Obesity (IMEO) concerned about this new trend. This type of restrictive diets do not have long-term effects as they have known rebound, recoup their losses and gain more kilos.

As explained Europa Press the naturopath nutrition specialist European Medical Institute of Obesity, Dr. Rubén Bravo, “these camps has resulted in a rebound effect. Because habits are not changed when changing eating anxiety and stress, causing a large extent of overweight. These camps aim to bring the body to a strong stress to lose weight too quickly which causes, when we return to daily routines, we tend to regain weight and increase by 50 percent. ”

This type of weight loss therapies have a very short time established in Spain, but countries like the U.S. and China, created decades ago.

Bravo explains, “The camps have programs between 6 and 9 weeks. They all planned, from a very restricted diet, to a hard training and exercise program and sometimes, as in Spain, the camp is taught by the military. ”

“People who undergo this type of thinning pay a lot of money – between 4,000 and 6,000 euros depending on the program-to make them grind them up early and restrict their diet,” adds the expert.


On the one hand there is a risk because they are people who are not accustomed to playing sports, and are subject to an exercise of a high athletic level. They also tend to cardiovascular disease or diabetes, thus subjected to a strong exercise is dangerous for your health.

Instead, experts say it is necessary to institute start exercising slowly for the body to adapt. In the case of obese people need to control their heart rate, increases do not occur very high above 180 beats, and that poses a risk to your health.

The body of an adult needs to eat up a minimum amount of calories varies between 1,200 and 1,400 and, for the sake of his health, should not fall under these limits. If, on the one hand, it provides a high caloric expenditure based on an intense exercise that borders the 2,000 calories and, on the other hand, eating fewer than 1,000 calories a day with a restrictive diet, go into a large deficit can slow metabolism, says Bravo.

They should also be noted that if the person has an overweight of over 20 kilos and has over 55 years increases the risk to their health, being able to cause injury and cardiovascular disease, hypoglycemia, lowered blood pressure, dizziness, trauma an eating disorder and especially a certain rebound.

Data on these camps in Spain are very rare but if taken as a reference made in North America, usually divided by gender and age and there are specialized camps for teenagers.

All the experts emphasize the negative health consequences that have this kind of camps. Bravo recalls that “the secret of maintaining physical fitness is a balanced diet based on some simple guidelines, like avoiding the excesses and hyper caloric meals and distribute food according to the biorhythm of the body: take the carbohydrates in the breakfast, mid morning fruit and let the vegetables and proteins for food, snack and dinner. ”

So if you are looking for the fast ways to lose weight in a week, just make sure its safe.

La Banda Gástrica ajustable se adapta a cualquier tipo de obesidad

Después de dormir el paciente, se le realizan unas mínimas incisiones, accediendo al estómago mediante laparoscopia. Se accede al estómago para colocar un anillo de silicona en la entrada del mismo. Se sitúa una válvula de desbloqueo en una zona subcutánea para poder manejarla en un futuro. Se cierra una válvula envolvente y también la sutura, protegiéndola con un vendaje abdominal. La banda gástrica es adaptable a cualquier tipo de obesidad y se puede ajustar según la necesidad de ingesta.

Para más información, ver el video.