‘All I want for Christmas is’… ¡no engordar!

El Mundo, por Gema García Marcos @gemagmarcos

Seamos sinceros. Todos sabemos lo que tenemos que hacer durante estas fiestas para no subir de peso. La pregunta es: ¿estamos dispuestos a ponerlo en práctica?

'All I want for Christmas is'... ¡no engordar!
  • Cerca de 60 millones de dólares. Esa esta la cantidad que, según ‘The Economist’, ingresó Mariah Carey hasta 2019 gracias a su ‘All I want por Christmas is you’. «No me importan los regalos que hay bajo el árbol. Lo único que quiero es tenerte para mí», canta Carey. Un hermoso deseo que, si tenemos en cuenta el número de búsquedas en Google, no se corresponde con el más profundo anhelo de media humanidad que lo único que quiere por Navidad, más allá de pasar un buen rato en familia sin discusiones sobre quién lleva el primer plato o la gestión de Fulanito, es no engordar esos entre tres y cinco kilos que, según el Instituto Médico Europeo de la Obesidad (IMEO), nos echamos encima de media los españoles durante estas fechas.

El desglose de esta ‘cifra’ es sencillo. Excederse en más de 1000 Kcal, por encima de las calorías recomendadas, puede suponer un aumento de 80-90gr de grasa al día y de hasta un kilo por semana. Es más, cada comilona que nos metemos entre pecho y espalda puede rondar las 2.000 o 2.500 Kcal., casi el equivalente a dos días de dieta normal.

Pues bien, convertida en una cantinela mucho más cansina y repetitivita que el ‘All I want por Christmas…’, volvemos a caer, año tras año, en la trampa del ‘qué hacer para engordar en Navidad’ cuando nosotros sabemos perfectamente cuál es la respuesta.

«En nutrición, las reglas del juego son siempre las mismas y, a pesar de que la mayoría de la gente es consciente de que ciertos alimentos y comidas engordan, no cambia de actitud, ni se ponen límites», reflexiona Rubén Bravo, experto en dietética y gastronomía y portavoz del IMEO.

El tema es bastante curioso. Obviamente, somos conscientes de que, en Navidad, no se firma una tregua universal para que la grasa, el dulce y el alcohol -en altas dosis y todo junto- dejen de dinamitarnos la dieta (y la salud) pero no podemos evitar dejarnos llevar. «Semanas antes de que lleguen las Navidades, comienzan a venir a mi consulta pacientes, preguntándome cómo gestionar la que se avecina», relata Javier Fernández Ligero, farmacéutico y nutricionista.

Lo primero que les dice es, precisamente, lo contrario de lo que se puede leer en internet: «No hay ninguna dieta específica para Navidad, como se está ‘vendiendo’ ahora en todas partes. Lo importante es tener una buena estructura nutricional durante todo el año que nos permita gestionar las comidas navideñas de una forma correcta», apunta.


Es más, prosigue, estas comidas más copiosas deberían ser muy pocas… en teoría: «Realmente, las fechas clave son Nochebuena, Navidad, Nochevieja, Año Nuevo, la cena de Reyes y Reyes, que son momentos para disfrutar con la familia y los amigos. Estas seis ingestas, durante casi un mes, no deberían de marcar la diferencia en parámetros analíticos o mejora de la composición corporal».

El problema es que «muchas veces, cometemos el error de que el 25 ya tiramos por la borda todo el día. El 26 nos comemos las sobras. El 27 picoteamos los turrones que ha traído la abuela y el 28, para festejar los santos inocentes, nos comemos la tarta de la tía. De esta forma, generamos un superávit calórico tan bestial que termina por producir una inflamación generalizadaaumento del porcentaje graso que luego nos va a costar mucho eliminar. Disfrutemos de estas fechas, pero con cabeza», asevera Javier Fernández Ligero.

También que las celebraciones comienzan cada vez antes. «Hemos adoptado el calendario americano y las Navidades arrancan prácticamente después del Día de Acción de Gracias, 25 de noviembre, con el encendido de las luces, la venta de los dulces navideños, las comidas de empresa, etc. La Navidad debería de acotarse, en términos de comilonas, a los seis días clásicos a esas casi seis semanas que se han ‘institucionalizado’ ahora», añade Manel Puig Domingo, MD, PhD. Professor and Head of Endocrinology and Nutrition service. Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol and Research Institute (IGTP)

A esto habría que añadir otros dos pequeños detalles, continua Puig Domingo, «la acumulación de alimentos que entra en casa -a los que habría añadir los que consumimos fuera de ella-, que es mucho mayor que durante el resto del año y esa ingesta social que nos empuja a terminar todo lo que tenemos sobre la mesa».

Preparamos un exceso de comida que estimula la repetición. «Entramos en una dinámica de comportamiento socioalimentario tendente al atracón que suele acabar en indigestión».

En este escenario de ingesta social, «lo único que podemos hacer es intentar ser consciente de esto y gestionarlo de manera estratégica».

Una estrategia que comenzaría con una correcta planificación de la lista de la compra. «Comprar lo justo premiará nuestro bolsillo y nuestra salud», recalca la nutricionista clínica del IMEO Carmen Escalada que aconseja «preparar las raciones justas, según el número de comensales, así se evitará comer de sobras durante los días posteriores, dejándonos llevar por ‘antes reventar que tirar'».

Para convertir nuestro menú de Navidad en uno, igual de sabroso, pero más ligero en calorías y saludable, deberíamos olvidarnos de «los entrantes tipo patés, foies, hojaldres, tostas o pastelitos salados, los cuales nos aportan mayor cantidad de calorías y son más pesados a nivel de digestión», recomienda la nutricionista Mireia Elías. En su lugar, podemos optar por «un salpicón de marisco, ensalada de aguacate y langostinos, brochetas de verduras, salmón ahumado con huevo cocido, jamón ibérico, espárragos blancos, anchoas con alcaparras y langostinos o gambas para compartir». Más nutritivas, con proteínas de alta calidad y grasas saludables, estas alternativas son «más ligeras y no nos harán llegar a los siguientes platos tan saciados».

De primero, se puede preparar «un caldo casero, sopa minestrone o de pescado, como la de lubina al azafrán, crema ligera de verduras, de berros y aguacate o de pollo trufada serían perfectas para la ocasión». De esta forma, además, nos aseguramos «un aporte extra de líquidos, ya que en esta época del año el agua siempre es un gran olvidado».

En segundos platos, existen muchas posibilidades, siempre que de base utilicemos proteína. Langosta o cigalas a la parrilla con salsa romesco, vieiras asadas o pavo guisado con castañas serían, según los expertos de IMEO, unas elecciones perfectas para un segundo plato cuya base debería ser siempre la proteína.

De postre, acertaríamos con «una receta casera a base de frutas, como brochetas con mini pepitas de chocolate negro, una macedonia o sorbete». También podemos elaborar turrones, que son más sanos y naturales que los comprados, «usando frutos secos naturales o tostados, arándanos deshidratados y chocolate negro».

Y, ojo con el alcohol, porque, esos vinitos con los que regamos los manjares navideños nos aportan un montón de calorías vacías (una copa tiene unas 75 cal y 10, 4 gramos de alcohol puro) a las que habría que añadir las del cava, los gintonic de turno, etc.

Para intentar controlar nuestros instintos más primitivos a la hora enfrentarnos a estos banquetes, el nutricionista Javier Fernández Ligero nos brinda un sencillo truco. «Tomar un par de rajas de piña o papaya porque, además de ayudarnos a mejorar la digestión con sus enzimas, nos producirá una cierta sensación de saciedad que nos va a ayudar a sentarnos a la mesa sin esa ansiedad por comer que nos domina en estas situaciones».

Un ansia viva que también podemos intentar calmar gracias a técnicas como el ‘mindfulness’. O, dicho de otro modo, intentando disfrutar de cada bocado siendo plenamente de lo que estamos degustando en ese preciso momento sin pensar en el siguiente manjar que nos vamos a zampar.

En lugar de hacer la boa, también nos vendría muy bien movernos un poco más antes y después del festín. «El ejercicio físico es la forma más efectiva de influir en nuestro metabolismo, teniendo en cuenta que aproximadamente un 40% del peso de un hombre adulto y un 30% del peso de una mujer está constituido por músculos. Llevar una vida activa no sólo mejorará nuestro metabolismo, sino también nuestra masa muscular que nos ayudará a quemar más grasa, por lo que sería un buen propósito de Navidad. Podemos ir al gimnasio, salir a caminar con amigos, bailar con los hijos o la pareja, realizar alguna actividad en equipo o deporte ‘outdoor’, como esquí, ciclismo o partida de pádel, utilizar las escaleras en vez del ascensor, recorrer en pie las distancias cortas en lugar de coger coche o transporte público», explican desde IMEO.

En este sentido, Fernández Ligero, añade que «al día siguiente, podemos practicar ayuno intermitente que, acompañado por una buena caminata en ayunas, no solo va a preparar a nuestro tubo digestivo para la siguiente ingesta, sino que va a ayudarnos a estimular nuestra tiroides, activando nuestro metabolismo para aumentar la quema de calorías».

¿Moraleja? Todo lo que deberíamos de querer por Navidad es alcanzar un equilibrio entre el disfrute y la salud. ¡Y olvidarnos de las dietas milagro!

Apples and Oranges: Nutritionists Compare Diets of Putin, Trump, Merkel and Spain’s Sanchez


The eating habits of world leaders have long been a matter of public interest, with observers questioning whether KFC and diet Coke, or perhaps something more balanced, could have an impact on politicians’ ability to deal with the physical and psychological stresses of their office.

Nutritionists from the European Medical Institute of Obesity (IMEO) in Madrid have carried out a study of the publicly-known details on the diets and exercise routines of world leaders including Russian President Vladimir Putin, US President Donald Trump, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, with the politicians’ lifestyles offering some ‘do’ and ‘do not do’ tips for the rest of us, El Confidencial has reported.

In Putin’s case, the newspaper notes, the 67-year-old Russian president remains “in enviable physical form…thanks to regular intense physical exercise and a well-maintained diet.”

“Whenever his schedule allows, Vladimir Putin starts the day with swimming, a moment he uses for reflection. Then, he carries out strength and endurance training in his gym.” Based on publicly available information, the paper points to a standard presidential diet including lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, grains and eggs, with his culinary preferences said to include “soup of salmon or cod, beef with rice, roasted lamb, fish and red caviar.”

Crucially, El Confidencial notes, Putin avoids highly processed foods and alcohol, and if a toast is in order, he is said to prefer wine or beer. Turkish coffee, green and herbal teas are his hot drinks of choice, with the president said to prefer a light dinner that sometimes includes kefir – a fermented milk drink similar to a thin yogurt that’s very popular in Eastern Europe.

“Given his past as a secret service agent, Putin dominates in several martial arts,” the newspaper continues. “He has an eighth-degree black belt in judo and karate, and a ninth degree black belt in taekwondo. Sports he practices in winter include skiing and hockey.”

President Putin and former Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev enjoy a meal during a visit to Novogorod region, 2016.

© SPUTNIK / АЛЕКСЕЙ ДРУЖИНИНPresident Putin and former Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev enjoy a meal during a visit to Novogorod region, 2016.

According to IMEO nutritional expert Andrea Marques, Putin’s diet and lifestyle are optimal for his age and physical state, and include a healthy, varied and balanced diet, a high protein breakfast and plenty of fruits and vegetables as a source of vitamins and minerals, nuts for unsaturated fats, as well as lean meats and fish rich in Omega 3.  Marques notes that the lack of distilled alcohol means no empty calories.

President Donald Trump’s diet, by contrast, isn’t so great, El Confidencial notes, with the 73-year-old US president suffering from high cholesterol and a BMI of 30.4, which corresponds with mild obesity.

The newspaper suggests that Trump’s ardent public support of fast food is “controversial,” given that as many as 37 percent of Americans suffer from obesity, and that processed, calorie rich diets are linked to coronary and respiratory diseases, cancers, diabetes kidney problems, and other serious health issues.

Citing information about Trump’s diet which has been made available to US media, El Confidencial lists hamburgers, McDonald’s Egg McMuffins, chicken wings, fries, pizza, soft drinks and pastries as some of the mainstays of Trump’s diet. At the same time, the newspaper points out that Trump has given up virtually all of the sports of his youth, including baseball and football, apart from golf.

President Donald Trump welcomes the 2018 NCAA FCS College Football Champions, The North Dakota State Bison, to the State Dining room of the White House in Washington, Monday, March 4, 2019, with McDonald's and Chick-fil-A fast food.

CAROLYN KASTERPresident Donald Trump welcomes the 2018 NCAA FCS College Football Champions, The North Dakota State Bison, to the State Dining room of the White House in Washington, Monday, March 4, 2019, with McDonald’s and Chick-fil-A fast food.

IMEO clinical nutritionist Carmen Escalada notes that “a large percentage of the calories consumed by the US president are empty calories, in other words, they do not provide any useful nutrients.”

Furthermore, while Trump’s lack of alcohol consumption is to his credit, his consumption of as many as 12 cans of diet cola and chocolate milkshakes is a problem. “The high intake of these types of drinks keeps us from drinking water, which is what our body really needs to function properly, and can lead to problems falling asleep, digestive issues or bone decalcification,” Escalada warns.

Turning to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the newspaper points out that the 65-year-old chancellor is known for jealously guarding the details of her private life, including her culinary preferences and exercise regimen. Nevertheless, publicly available information can give some hints regarding her diet.

Although she is known to enjoy the occasional hike or cross-country skiing outing, Merkel is not believed to stick to a regular exercise regimen. At the same time, she enjoys traditional high-calorie German foods including sausages and mashed potatoes, cheese fondue and beer, although her dinners are thought to be rich in veggies.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel holds a glass of beer as she attends an election campaign event of the Christian Social Union (CSU), Bavarian sister party of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU), in a beer tent at the Truderinger Festwoche fair in Munich, southern Germany, on May 28, 2017.

© AFP 2020 / SVEN HOPPE / DPAGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel holds a glass of beer as she attends an election campaign event of the Christian Social Union (CSU), Bavarian sister party of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU), in a beer tent at the Truderinger Festwoche fair in Munich, southern Germany, on May 28, 2017.

On the whole, Andrea Marques suggests that it’s more difficult for Merkel to keep in shape than her male colleagues, since she is at an age where a typical woman’s metabolism’s muscle mass creating and fat burning capabilities decline due to hormonal changes associated with menopause and a drop in estrogen.

Finally, when it comes to President Pedro Sanchez of Spain, El Confidencial touts him as being “in very good shape at 48,” given his love for basketball and efforts to keep up a three-times-a-week exercise routine, which includes alternating between running, biking and weightlifting.

Sanchez’ adherence to a balanced Mediterranean diet including greens, salads, meats and grilled fish, as well as a hearty breakfast and plenty of water, and sparkling or red wine as opposed to harder liquors, is another credit in his favour.

“The fact that he limits his coffee intake to two cups a day, insists on eating little processed food and committing to sport at least three times a week is an advantage in favour of a good night’s rest,” IMEO nutritionist Ruben Bravo explained.

“For all these reasons, it’s not surprising that the Spanish president is an outspoken advocate of healthy, quality and local food. In fact, one of the main challenges for Spain’s legislature is to reduce the impact of junk food among the population through clear labeling requirements and threats to increase taxes on ultraprocessed foods and those with excess fats and sugars,” El Confidencial concludes.

The worst and the best diets you can do to lose weight in a healthy way


For the seventh consecutive year, the European Medical Institute of Obesity (IMEO) launches its ranking with the worst and best slimming diets, clarifying, once again, that not everything that is in fashion is worth to achieve a healthy weight loss .

Endorsed by about twenty experts in obesity and health care (endocrine and bariatric surgeons, clinical and sports nutritionists, dietitians, psychologists, therapists and physical trainers), this classification draws on real cases, scientific studies, news and trends collected from in the media and social networks, as well as searches in Google Trends registered in Spain.

Once again, from the IMEO they advise avoiding «miracle diets» because of their negative effects on health. They also remember that healthy slimming methods are based on scientific evidence, propose a gradual weight loss, not exceeding 1.5Kg per week and 6Kg per month and use all food groups restricting only the amounts and are A great help when maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Aggressive and very restrictive, they promise to lose a lot of weight in a short time, but they are unsustainable in the long term . They lack scientific support and often turn to «miracle» products. With guaranteed rebound effect and side effects that compromise health. They are totally discouraged to achieve a healthy weight loss.

1. The vinegar diet

He went viral due to the death of a young British woman. Since the list of celebrities who support this method of losing weight is headed by names like Miranda Kerr or Victoria Beckham, we should not underestimate its influence and risks.

It is an aggressive diet that exploits a study conducted in Japan a decade ago that attributes the loss of body weight to the effect of vinegar acetic acid on lipid metabolism. «The results showed that with the daily intake of 30 ml of apple cider vinegar you could lose about 150 grams per week, an insignificant amount and far from those five kilos less in three days predicted by some followers of this practice,» he added. IMEO clinical nutritionist Carmen Escalada.

Actually, combining uncontrolled fasting with minimal intakes and vinegar daily can compromise our health and aggravate hidden or undetected diseases, such as diabetes, ulcer, gastritis or osteoporosis, among others.

The monodietas that propose a substantial and rapid reduction of weight achieve it in the short term with the drastic reduction of the caloric intake. From there, everything is inconvenient: risk of deficit of nutrients and energy, loss of water and muscle mass and a fearsome rebound effect that stalks us in the long term.

They are difficult to fit into a healthy lifestyle: they worsen our habits and generate anxiety, irritability and decay.

2. The ‘powder’ diet

Diets with Pronokal type supplements are booming due to their easy access and their seductive promise: lose up to 4 kilos in a week .

They usually offer, together with nutritional advice, a wide range of dietary products in the form of powders that are used to prepare soups, tortillas, pasta, chips, sauces, bars, milkshakes, cookies, chocolates and desserts, to which we must add multiple mineral and vitamin complexes.

They are excessively expensive products but they do not fulfill their purpose or goal. In the long term «the powder diet» is difficult to follow and has a strong rebound effect . In Spain, we could see it almost live with the change in the image of the television presenter Carlota Corredera who, after losing 60 kilos with this method, has begun to regain weight.

«Before, the usual protein supplements in these types of diets could be purchased only under the prescription of an endocrine or nutritionist; now they can be bought without a prescription in stores at street level and ‘online’,» says IMEO nutritionist Andrea Marqués.

Sometimes, people who want to lose weight desperately are not aware of the risks they hide. Taken without supervision can impoverish our diet and displace the consumption of quality fruits, vegetables and proteins.

In addition, protein supplements are not low caloric , so we must be careful to include them in our diet, even in a timely manner. They should never be used to perform ketogenic diets without medical or nutritionist supervision, as these can lead to health risks, such as liver and kidney poisoning, or vitamin and mineral deficits.

3. Keto diet

This diet followed by celebrities such as Kim Kardashian promises to lose up to 12 kg in a month and was one of the most sought after in Spain according to Google Triends data for last year.

It is based on ketosis , the transformation of accumulated fats into ketogenic bodies so that they can be used as fuel by our body. » When we limit the amount of carbohydrates to the maximum, our glycogen or energy reserve decreases , forcing the body to pull fat stores and thus lose weight,» explains Estefanía Ramo, nutritionist and dietitian at IMEO.

We are facing an unhealthy diet , the experts of the Institute emphasize, which promotes excessive consumption of fats and proteins that satisfy a lot, but cost more to be digested than carbohydrates .

That explains some of the symptoms of general malaise and adverse effects caused by ketosis: headache and dizziness in the absence of energy; bad breath and dry mouth; heavy sweating; lack of appetite; nausea or even vomiting; abdominal pain; difficulty breathing; decay; loss of calcium and risk of osteoporosis; increased cortisol in the blood (whose excess can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety).

Those who, despite everything, are determined to make this diet, should follow a rigorous process when it comes to progressively reinstating carbohydrates in their menu after the end of the regimen to avoid the expected rebound effect. This process usually lasts from two weeks to several months, depending on the weight that has been lost.

4. The diet of the ‘influencer’ without qualification

It is a phenomenon that moves millions and sweeps platforms like Instagram, Facebook or YouTube: the ‘influencers’ of food and healthy lifestyle.

Without having the corresponding credentials , they embark on the world of nutrition and sport, transferring advice that they themselves do not practice without a camera in front and encouraging the follower to consume natural products or slimming that, in many cases, are not as healthy or whose benefits are not demonstrable, constituting a double-edged sword for professionals who also work on these platforms.

«We often have to demystify bulls about aggressive methods to lose five kilos in two weeks, » says IMEO clinical and sports nutritionist Sonia Peinado. There is no «miraculous formula» when it comes to losing weight .

If we allow ourselves to be guided at a distance by the success of others without professional follow-up, we will most likely not reach the goal, end up more overweight than the initial one, develop a nutritional deficit or an eating disorder, thus compromising. our state of health due to ignorance.

To avoid falling into the networks of the amateur ‘influencer’, the expert advises to make sure that he has a collegiate number, that at least the first consultations are carried out in person, that the diet is personalized and that, after all, not It concerns the sale of slimming products that have not passed the corresponding sanitary controls.

5. Paleo diet

It is the favorite of elite athletes , such as footballers Marcos Llorente and Rafa Usín, which allows you to lose three kilos of fat in 10 days .

As the name implies, it is a food plan similar to that of the Palaeolithic caveman where the consumption of lean meats, fish, eggs, organic dairy, fruits, vegetables, nuts or seeds is prioritized and the grain (wheat, rice, corn, oats).

The followers of the paleo diet argue that the human body is genetically incompatible with the current diet that includes processed foods rich in sugars, fats and salt that makes people more susceptible to diseases such as diabetes mellitus, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension or inflammation of the colon.

» With a professional follow-up, this diet could work for athletes or people looking to improve their physical and muscular performance, » says IMEO Immaculate Luengo clinical and sports nutritionist.

The high content of fruits and vegetables ensures adequate levels of potassium, good blood pressure and proper function of the kidneys and muscle. It is a diet suitable for celiacs and prevents constipation, due to its fiber intake. A maximum of three intakes are made per day, with periods of intermittent fasting that allows our digestive and immune system to rest.

Regarding the drawbacks, a study conducted by Australian scientists recently revealed that the paleo diet can have an adverse effect on heart health, in addition to leading to other long-term chronic diseases , because it excludes grain carbohydrates from the menu whole, which can reduce the number of beneficial bacteria in the stomach.

Being a diet with excess protein, you can double the recommended amount of saturated fat, increase «bad» cholesterol levels and affect the functioning of the liver or kidney. It can lead to calcium deficiency, vitamins D and B. It is more expensive and difficult to vary in terms of food, which often leads to its early abandonment.


Sustainable over time and with no rebound effect, they contribute to a healthy lifestyle. They propose a moderate weight loss: up to 1.5 kg per week and no more than 6 kg per month.

They consist of all food groups taking into account their distribution, bioavailability and quantities to ensure the proper functioning of our body. Normally monitored by endocrines, nutritionists or dietitians.

1. Evolution method

According to Rubén Bravo, nutrition expert and spokesperson for IMEO, «it is a multidisciplinary commitment in the short, medium and long term that incorporates not only nutritional and physical activity guidelines, but also nutritional supplements and coaching techniques, personal growth and mindfulness as tools of help to achieve health goals and reinforce motivation. «

It allows you to lose 5 kilos of fat in a month in a healthy way and is advised to people who seek to combine an active lifestyle with improvement in physical condition.

The food plan is aimed at promoting the use of fat as a source of energy through intelligent nutrition backed by scientific evidence. This involves taking foods of low and medium glycemic index to stabilize blood sugar levels and promote vitality and avoid feeling hungry; adequate amounts of high bioavailability proteins that feed the muscle; healthy fats that favor the hormonal system; High nutritional density foods to rule out micronutrient deficiencies or malnutrition.

If we follow a diet unbalanced and low in protein, we will lose weight, but the kilos we lose will be partly of muscle mass, causing our body to slow down and spend fewer calories at rest . «When we finish the diet and return to normal eating, our body, which now spends much less calories because it has less muscle mass, will begin to store excess energy in the form of fat and we will experience the dreaded rebound effect, getting fat again,» explains Bravo .

The method proposes three different phases to accustom and adapt our metabolism to all food groups : a first one of metabolic activation and initiation in physical activity; the second , designed to set new healthy habits; and a third phase fit . «It is the final stretch to define muscle tone, minimize body fat, work to combat premature aging, anxiety and sleep problems, train memory and increase defenses, reinforcing motivation and positive thinking with techniques mindfulness, and the consolidation in the healthy, active and preventive lifestyle «, concludes the expert.

2. Realfooding

Actress Paz Vega, a lover confesses to healthy, fresh and organic food, would fit into this social movement that has more than two million followers on the networks.

The method, baptized as «realfooding» by nutritionist Carlos Ríos , appeals to remove ultraprocessed products and the addictive effect they may have from the menu, moving us to a natural and healthy diet . Therefore, we are not faced with a diet, but with a proposal of healthy guidelines that can help us lose between 0.5 and 1 kilo a week.

Those who follow this approach divide food into three large groups based on their nature, nutritional quality or the presence of processed ingredients and additives.

The first group includes fruits, vegetables, vegetables, legumes, fish, shellfish and eggs that would be the basis of daily food .

The second is made up of healthy processed foods, including UHT milk, extra virgin olive oil, canned fish or 100% whole wheat bread.

The third group refers to ultraprocesses, such as soft drinks, sugary dairy products, salty snacks or pastries, which may be harmful to health, due to the high concentrations of sugars, salt or saturated fats that have been incorporated to increase palatability, Duration or attractiveness.

«Following this method can help us to be healthy, but it does not have to become an obsession to the point of resorting to applications to scan the food and every bite we take,» says Carmen Escalada, clinical nutritionist at IMEO.

Do not forget that, even when eating healthy, we can gain weight, if the amount of some healthy foods , but very caloric, such as avocado, olive oil or nuts is exceeded .

If we want to lose weight, it would be necessary to adjust the intake according to our constitution and the physical exercise performed.

3. Volumetric diet

Actress Angelina Jolie is one of the celebrities who has passed to this type of diet that uses foods with a lot of volume, but low in calories and with a greater satiating power . In this way and with a daily menu that would be around 1,500 calories, you could lose between 0.5 and 1 kilo a week, ensuring a gradual decrease.

The great advantage of this diet is its ability to calm the appetite and cover the daily nutritional requirements . To do this, it uses the flavor, texture, preparation and combination of certain foods that increase the feeling of satiety and encourage weight loss.

It has almost no rebound effect , since very few food groups are excluded during the diet and, in general, it is easy to follow.

«Here they usually serve first or before the main meal dishes that decrease appetite, such as the salad of wide-leaf vegetables or the defatted broth ,» explains IMEO nutritionist Estefanía Ramo.

More aqueous and cooked foods are prioritized , such as infusions, cooked cereals, fruits, vegetables, soups and stews that allow you to eat more volume than others and increase satiety . The intake of raw vegetables rich in complex carbohydrates guarantees a constant supply of glucose and energy, while the fruits would provide us with vitamins and fructose that is assimilated more slowly than glucose and, therefore, does not cause sugar drops.

High-calorie foods , such as mayonnaise, cream, butters, sausages, fried foods, fatty meats and whole dairy, are replaced by others, with a low or moderate caloric intake, such as skimmed dairy, skinless chicken, lean cuts of meat ( cold defatted meat, lean ham), light dressings and vegetable dew.

Rapidly absorbed carbohydrates , such as pasta, refined cereals and their derivatives (white bread, pasta and white rice) should be ingested in moderation, because they favor the increase in body fat deposits , in addition to giving less feeling of satiety and sharply raise blood sugar. Slowly absorbed carbohydrates obtained from fresh and dried fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds and legumes are preferable .

Hydration is essential , as it is recommended to drink two glasses of water as soon as you get up and reach three liters at the end of the day , being able to opt for fruit juices or smoothies. Alcohol is discouraged, for providing «empty calories» and increase the feeling of hunger. Sweetened and carbonated drinks are prohibited, as they fill and do not satisfy.

4. Vegan diet

Natalie Portman and Brad Pitt are some of the celebrities who recognize following this type of diet based on the exclusion of all types of meat, fish, shellfish, eggs, dairy products and all their derivatives.

«The vegan diet has always raised controversy over the possible associated deficits, but if it is well planned and balanced with high quality foods it can be beneficial , reduce cardiovascular risk, balance cholesterol levels and improve intestinal microbiota, due to the consumption of fiber of plant origin, «explains Sonia Peinado, nutritionist at IMEO. It allows you to lose between one and two kilos a week, if vegetable oil is restricted.

In order to avoid nutritional deficiencies, it should be supervised by qualified health personnel , when in fact it is estimated that only ten percent of vegans go to consultation.

The nutrients that are critical in a vegan diet, either because they have lower availability or due to their difficult absorption, are Vitamin B12, iron, zinc, iodine, proteins and omega 3 fatty acid .

Its deficit can lead to major diseases, such as megaloblastic anemia and cardiovascular disease, and interfere with the correct development of the nervous system or in the growth stages.

In this sense, the key to success lies in a professional follow-up carried out by qualified health personnel, which guarantees adequate supplementation based on preparations of plant origin and minimizes the consumption of croquettes, nuggets or sausages suitable for vegans, which do not allow ultra-processed products .

5. Intermittent fasting diet

Intermittent fasting is one of the current high-rise diets that allows you to lose between one and two kilos a week. It is practiced by many celebrities, including Ben Affleck and Elsa Pataky .

It consists of introducing periods of fasting into a balanced diet that can last 12, 16 or more hours a day without exceeding 48 hours in a row . «Because they are so long, these last periods must be supervised by professionals,» advises IMEO nutritionist Andrea Marqués.

This approach is to make a balanced diet with fasting days in between so that our metabolism optimizes the energy consumption stored in the form of fat .

Physiologically, blood glucose levels during fasting decrease and fewer calories are ingested, which helps to lose weight.

When practiced at night, fasting helps our intestinal microbiota stay healthier , favoring the positive flora and keeping the negative at bay.

«However, if we practice intermittent fasting, it is very important to have an adequate nutrient intake throughout the day so as not to lose muscle mass or expose our health to risk with a rebound effect in the short and medium term, » warns Marquis.

This type of fasting can be beneficial in healthy people, those with controlled type 2 diabetes or those who practice a moderate sport. Patients with associated pathologies or eating disorders are not advised without the recommendation and supervision of a doctor or nutritionist .

Recomendaciones para una dieta saludable y equilibrada en el Día Mundial contra la Obesidad

Actualidad Ainia

El 12 de noviembre se celebra el Día Mundial contra la obesidad  con una iniciativa propuesta por el Instituto Médico Europeo de la Obesidad (Imeo): ‘ La Semana de Apoyo a la Mujer Obesa’. Desde España estamos trabajando desde hace más de 7 años en la Estrategia NAOS (Estrategia para la Nutrición, Actividad Física y Prevención de la Obesidad) desde el Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, puesta en marcha a través de la Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (AESAN). El objetivo principal es sensibilizar a la población del problema que la obesidad representa para la salud, y de impulsar todas las iniciativas que contribuyan a lograr que los ciudadanos adopten hábitos de vida saludables, principalmente a través de una alimentación saludable. Desde ainia proponemos 10 recomendaciones a seguir para asegurar que la dieta de nuestros hijos sea saludable y equilibrada.

La nueva normativa que autoriza a los colegios e institutos la posibilidad de implantar servicios de fiambrera como alternativa al comedor escolar convencional ha despertado la preocupación entre los expertos en materia de nutrición infantil.  Esta medida da respuesta a la petición por parte de algunas asociaciones de madres y padres de alumnos para hacer frente a la crisis económica. Sin embargo, los expertos consideran complicado que los niños mantengan una alimentación saludable y completa si llevan comida de casa al colegio. Desde ainia, proponemos algunos útiles consejos para asegurarnos que los menús sean equilibrados y nutritivos.

Fiambreras saludables al colegio

Madres, padres, o tutores, a continuación, proponemos 10 recomendaciones a seguir para asegurar que la dieta de nuestros hijos sea saludable y equilibrada:

1-Los menús de nuestros hijos han de incluir de todo, pues cuanta mayor variedad de alimentos exista en su dieta, mayor es la posibilidad de que sea equilibrada y contenga los nutrientes que necesitan.

2-El menú de un niño en edad escolar debe contemplar alimentos ricos en proteínas de origen animal: lácteos, carnes, huevos y pescados, en equilibrio con alimentos de origen vegetal: cereales, legumbres, verduras y frutas.

3-Las formas de preparación de los alimentos han de ser diversas: hervidos, a la plancha, guisados, asados y no abusar de los fritos. Además fomentar el consumo de alimentos crudos (ensaladas, gazpacho, sopas de verduras frías…).

4-Los alimentos ricos en hidratos de carbono  (pan, pasta, arroz, legumbres) son esenciales en una buena nutrición por su aporte de energía y deben formar parte de las dietas habituales de los escolares.

5-Los alimentos deben distribuirse a lo largo del día para que el cuerpo tenga los nutrientes necesarios en cada momento.

6- Evite que su hijo pase largos períodos en ayunas. Se recomienda hacer 5 comidas al día.

7-Deben abundar las frutas y ensaladas.

8-Recordarles que han de beber agua… y ésta es la mejor forma de acompañar las comidas.

9-El consumo de dulces, refrescos y “snacks” debe ser moderado, pues, si bien no existen buenos ni malos alimentos, la moderación en la comida debe ser la norma.

10-Controlar el exceso de grasas, azúcar y sal.

¿Cómo distribuir los alimentos a lo largo del día?
  •  El desayuno: antes de ir al colegio y a media mañana

No te saltes el desayuno, se trata de una de las tomas del día más importantes y debería cubrir, al menos, el 25% de las necesidades nutritivas del escolar. Las prisas por llegar a la escuela y la somnolencia de los primeros momentos de la mañana, en ocasiones impiden realizar la primera comida del día correctamente, lo que puede provocar una disminución de la atención y del rendimiento en las primeras horas de clase.

El desayuno admite una oferta de alimentos variada, pero para que tenga las mejores cualidades nutricionales debe incluir: un lácteo (leche con o sin azúcar o cacao, yogur, queso de cualquier modalidad, evitando los muy grasos…); pan, tostadas, copos de cereales, galletas, magdalenas, bizcochos; una fruta o su zumo (cualquier variedad); mermeladas, miel; una grasa de complemento (aceite de oliva,mantequilla, margarina…); y, en ocasiones, jamón o un tipo de fiambre.

A media mañana se puede tomar, como refuerzo de los alimentos consumidos en la primera hora del día, una fruta, un yogur o un bocadillo de pan con queso, jamón o un tipo de fiambre.

Con cierta frecuencia, los niños que desayunan mal llegan hambrientos a la hora del recreo y entonces comen demasiado y no siempre lo conveniente, y en ocasiones les quitan el apetito en la hora de la comida donde se han de cubrir necesidades nutricionales importantes.

  • La comida

En los hábitos alimentarios españoles, la comida del mediodía es la más consistente. Al menos, ha de cubrir del 35 al 40% de las necesidades nutricionales diarias de la persona. En el plan de comidas debe haber una presencia de alimentos ricos en proteínas de origen animal: lácteos, carnes, huevos y pescados, en equilibrio con alimentos de origen vegetal: cereales, legumbres, verduras y frutas. 

  • La merienda

La merienda suele ser muy bien aceptada por los niños y puede complementar la dieta, porque permite incluir productos de gran interés nutricional: lácteos, frutas naturales, bocadillos diversos… La merienda no debe ser excesiva, para que los niños mantengan el apetito a la hora de la cena. La denominada “merienda cena” es una opción nutricional aceptable cuando se incluyen alimentos suficientes y variados y se practica ocasionalmente. El consumo, por ejemplo, de un bocadillo de tortilla francesa y queso con una fruta y, antes de ir a la cama, un vaso de leche, puede ser una alternativa eventual a la merienda y la cena.

  • La cena

La cena se elegirá en función de los alimentos ya tomados en las otras comidas del día. Debe ser consumida a una hora no muy tardía para evitar que la proximidad al momento del sueño impida que los niños duerman bien. Como platos propios de la cena se sugieren purés, sopa o ensaladas, y, como complemento, carnes, huevos y pescados dependiendo de lo que se haya tomado en la comida del mediodía. Como postre: fruta y lácteos.

Obesity rises among Spanish women due to economic woes

EFE / Fox News Latino

The rise in female unemployment and the consumption of cheaper and less nutritious food products to adjust household expenditures to reduced incomes are some of the factors responsible for the recent increase in obesity among women in Spain.

That is the result of the study carried out by experts of the European Medical Institute of Obesity, or IMEO, for the World Day Against Obesity, which will take place on Monday and bring attention to what has become one of the main health concerns for modern societies over the past decade.

The latest global statistics on obesity place women in the center of the 21st century epidemic and the report «Generacion XXL» – recently published by the firm IPSOS, which specializes in identifying behaviors, attitudes and opinions in society – says that the number of cases of obesity has shot up during the current crisis.

The psychological effects of the crisis, including anxiety and depression, and the decline in the quality of the food basket due to the reduction in household incomes have resulted in the rise in obesity among Spanish women.

In general, women are more prone to suffer from depression and anxiety, and the current crisis situation, which – for many – has led to a loss of income and resources, is greatly affecting how and what they are eating, IMEO nutrition expert Elisabeth Gonzalez said.

Hormones like estrogen, endogenous opioids, progesterone, testosterone and others form a cocktail that influences modes of behavior, induces feelings of sadness or happiness and makes women «more susceptible to being emotional eaters than men,» Gonzalez said.

Spanish women, however, are concerned about their figures and many undergo weight loss treatments and are engaging in more physical exercise than men, physical trainer and psychologist Sandra Pino said. EFE